术士(The Warlock)

录入:EvilP 作者: 翻译:
录入时间:2009-11-11 22:41:16 最后修改时间:2009-11-11 22:45:50

The Clanlord 族长
 Clan Shadowbrand, having lost their chief, follow custom and declare a tournament of heroes. An obscure Warlock named Raelag hopes to win the tournament, take the clan`s Ring, and become Clanlord.
 Any Warlock can try to become the leader of a clan of Ygg-Chall, but few manage it. The most common mistakes are bad preparation and overestimating one`s capabilities. Raelag must use the time before the tournament to prepare himself thoroughly for the battles ahead.
Raelag My name is Raelag. Like the others, I wish to fight for the title of Clanlord. 雷拉格 我叫雷拉格。和其他人一样,我希望为部落首领的头衔而战。
Keeper of the Law News of the death of a Clanlord travels quickly indeed. Well, you have the right, as all Malassa`s followers do, although you are not of the Shadowbrand clan. I am Keeper of the Law - judge and arbiter. And before we start, I must ask - do you know the rules? 执法官 族长的死讯的确传得很快。虽然你还不是阴影烙印部落的一员,但只要是马拉萨的信徒,你就有这个权力。我是法律的维护者——审判官和仲裁官。在我们开始之前,我必须问一下——你知道规则吗?
Raelag Instruct me. 雷拉格 请赐教。
Keeper of the Law The tournament is open to all. You have one month to prepare, and then you will descend to the caves and fight one another. If you arrive early to a fight you must wait until your opponent arrives. There is one winner, there is no second place. 执法官 这个比赛对所有人开放。你有一个月时间进行准备,随后你必须到岩洞里将对手一个个打败。如果去早了,那么你必须等待对手到来。记住,只能有一个人胜出,赢家只有一位。
Raelag No matter, I did not come here to almost win. 雷拉格 没关系。既然决定来这里,我就没想过会失败。
Keeper of the Law The Ring of the Shadowbrand, mine! And with it, the rule of the clan. It has been a twisted road that led to this place, but it is only a stepping stone. 执法官 阴影烙印戒指,现在是我的了!有了戒指,我就可以统治整个部落。到这里来真是一波三折,不过这是实现目标的必由之路。
The Expansion 扩张
 Raelag, who now leads Clan Shadowbrand, hopes to weld all the uncoordinated Dark Elf Clans into a single, mighty state. Powerful and wily, Raelag needs to be well prepared for this enormous task.   登上阴影烙印部落族长宝座的雷拉格踌躇满志,他希望将所有不团结的黑暗精灵部落凝聚成一个统一、强大的国家。为了完成这个艰巨的任务,智勇双全的雷拉格现在需要做好最充分的准备。
Keeper of the Law What will you do now, Chief of the Shadowbrand? 执法官 作为阴影烙印部落的首领,你现在打算怎么做?
Raelag War brews among all the peoples of Ashan, and I would unite the clans before they are picked apart. What can help me to do this? 雷拉格 亚山大陆上,各个种族间积怨已深,大战一触即发,我要在部落族群开始分裂前团结他们。有什么可以帮到我?
Keeper of the Law That is not for me to know. You must find Malsara, the Daughter of Malassa. 执法官 这不是我可以回答的问题。你必须找到马尔莎拉,马拉萨的女儿。
Raelag And where is she hidden? 雷拉格 那么她现在身处何处?
Keeper of the Law If I knew that, I could have answered your first question. May the shadows guide you, Raelag. 执法官 如果我知道的话,你现在已经知道答案了。愿影子指引你,雷拉格。
 No one had any doubts about the fate of the Clan, which had been doomed to extinction. Yet strong neighbours do not want to accept another Clanlord, even a tournament winner.Raelag needs advice and a secretive, powerful Daughter of Malassa is the best place to get it.   没有人怀疑阴影烙印部落即将消亡的命运。强大的邻邦们正虎视眈眈,他们不愿看到一个新的部落首领来改变现状,即使他是比武大赛的获胜者。雷拉格现在需要的是一些建议和忠告来坚定决心,而神秘强大的马拉萨之女无疑是最佳的去处。
Malsara Who are you who grows large in the eyes of my worshippers? Do you seek to replace me? 马尔沙拉 你是谁?你在我的崇拜者中影响日盛,想取代我的位置吗?
Raelag Never. I too seek knowledge, and power. For my own gain, but for your glory. 雷拉格 从来没有。我也追求知识,当然还有力量。我在乎的是自身实力的提升,而你获得的是荣誉。
Malsara Honest, at least, if dangerous. But knowledge is power. Why do you not content yourself with knowledge alone? Ancient secrets of Ashan lie undisturbed, waiting to be uncovered. Seek them out, bring them to me. 马尔沙拉 至少你很坦白,同时也很危险。但是知识就是力量。为什么有了知识你还不满足呢?亚山远古的秘密正等待有人前去揭示。去把答案找出来并带回来给我。
Raelag Right now I need power more than knowledge. Help me in my quest, and I shall help you in yours. 雷拉格 比起知识,现在我更需要力量。请答应我的请求,我也会帮你达到你的目的。
Malsara You dare to bargain with the dragons? 马尔沙拉 你竟敢和龙讨价还价?
Raelag I have already bargained with demons and prophets... 雷拉格 我已经与恶魔和先知们谈过条件了……
Malsara So you do not fear me? 马尔沙拉 这么说你不怕我?
Raelag I worship you. I fear nothing. 雷拉格 我崇拜你。但我无所畏惧。
Malsara You will, one day. You will fear that which you love the most. But go, hero, with my blessing. Find one of the Tears of Asha, they fell ages ago when Sar-Elam gave up his life and Asha banished her own brother, Urgash. A clan building a city around this relic cannot but prosper and grow. Unite the Clans, conquer your enemies and tithe unto me their knowledge, their secrets. Go! 马尔沙拉 总有一天你会的。你会对你最珍爱的东西感到恐惧。但是去吧,英雄,我祝福你,去找到亚莎的一滴眼泪。上古时代,当萨-艾朗放弃生命,亚莎放逐她的亲兄弟鄂加斯时,这些眼泪就掉了下来。沿这个遗迹周围建造的城市将会繁荣和强盛。联合各个部落,征服你的敌人并把他们的知识和秘密献给我。出发吧!
 Clan Nightshard always wanted to take the Shadowbrand lands, and Raelag`s attack upon one of their cities has loosened their inhibitions.Raelag must act quickly to capture all of the Nightshard cities in this area, outstripping his enemies and preparing for his trials ahead.   暗夜碎片部落一直想霸占阴影烙印部落的土地,而雷拉格对他们其中一个城市发动的进攻更是为其找到了入侵的借口。雷拉格必须先发制人,迅速占领地区内所有暗夜碎片部落的城市,为他的宏伟目标积蓄力量。
Raelag The Tear of Asha lies this way, through the lands of clan Nightshard. It is up to them whether they will be my allies or my slaves. 雷拉格 要找到亚莎之泪,必须通过暗夜碎片部落的领地。他们只有两个选择,要么成为我的盟友,要么成为我的奴隶。
 The moment of truth always appears when you least expect it. The Soulscar clan has sent a powerful army which should deal with the upstart once and for all.It is now up to Raelag to try and defeat the Soulscar army, otherwise certain death awaits him.   真理总是在不经意间不请自来。灵魂伤痕部落已经派出了一支强大的军队,有可能对雷拉格造成致命的打击。雷拉格没有太多选择的余地,要么击溃灵魂伤痕部落的军队,要么死无葬身之地。
Raelag And thus the Nightshard clan becomes part of mine. A bad year is starting to get better. 雷拉格 暗夜碎片部落就这样被我收服了,看来今年的运气来了。
 As Nightshard lost its first city, the panic began to spread (a good sign). But there is a bad side to this situation, Nightshard will now surely try to ally itself with the powerful Soulscar Clan .A war with the Soulscar could upset Realag`s plans, and he must stop all messengers who could escape to reach their territory. Luckily it is known that messengers will follow Nothern and Western roads that lay not far from entrance from dungeon.  当暗夜碎片失去第一座城市的时候,恐慌开始蔓延了。但局势也有不利的一面,首战失利肯定会促使暗夜碎片部落谋划与强大的灵魂伤痕部落结盟。一旦与灵魂伤痕部落爆发战争,雷拉格的计划将可能被打乱,因此他必须阻止所有逃出去通风报信的信使。幸运的是,雷拉格已经获悉这些信使将会经过北部和西部的小路,离地牢领地入口处不远。
Raelag If I am not careful the Nightshard will call to their neighbors, the Soulscar, for help. I cannot let a messenger - or a spy - escape to Soulscar territory. 雷拉格 一定得加倍小心,暗夜碎片部落可能会向其邻邦——灵魂伤疤族求助。我绝不能让任何一个信使——或间谍——逃到灵魂伤疤部族的领地。
Raelag Malassa`s bile, the Soulscar will be alerted! These chilly caverns are going to heat up. 雷拉格 马拉萨的愤怒,这将会惊动灵魂伤疤部落的!这些恐怖的穴居人开始蠢蠢欲动了。
Raelag On the other hand, this news can travel as quickly as the messengers can run - that anyone who tries to fight me will be crushed. Hmmm... maybe I`ll send a few of my own messengers as well. 雷拉格 另一方面,信使跑得有多快,消息就会传得有多快——到时大家都会知道,谁敢和我作对,就是自取灭亡。嗯……也许我也得派几个信使出去跑跑。
 The citizens of the city where the Tear of Asha is taken will build a legendary structure called the Mother of Darkness. This edifice will bring increase the city`s might and magic, making it unusually powerful and prosperous.The goal is clear - Raelag must build the Mother of Darkness in Virbeth, his new capitol.   得到亚莎之泪后,城镇里的居民将兴建一座叫做“暗黑之母”的传奇建筑。这座伟大的建筑将为城镇带来力量和魔法,使之空前强大和兴盛。目标很明确,雷拉格必须在他的新首都维伯斯建造暗黑之母。
Raelag I wouldn`t have described myself as power hungry, but I have to say that this feels great. 雷拉格 我从不认为自己是那种对力量极度渴望的人,但是必须承认,这种感觉真是太棒了。
Shadya Greetings, Clanlord. I come to join your cause. 莎蒂娅 你好,部落首领。我是来加入你的大军的。
Raelag You can sign up outside. Speak to Captain Sorgal. 雷拉格 你可以在外面报名。和索戈尔队长谈谈吧。
Shadya Don`t brush me off! I have been waging war against the Nightshard for years. Let me be the sword that strikes your enemies! 莎蒂娅 不要敷衍我!我与暗夜碎片部落已经交战多年,请让我成为你克敌的利刃吧。
Raelag Why you more than others? 雷拉格 你凭什么说自己比别人厉害?
Shadya Your troops are good, but they lack my skills. Infiltration... seduction... and assassination. 莎蒂娅 您的军队虽然很不错,但是他们缺乏我的技能。渗透……诱惑……还有暗杀。
Raelag Hmmm. True. You know poisons? And stealth? 雷拉格 嗯。的确。你知道怎样用毒吗?还有盗窃?
Shadya I have been called the Spider, and the Shadow. 莎蒂娅 人们都叫我毒蜘蛛和幽灵。
Raelag Can you move fast? 雷拉格 你移动的速度够快吗?
Shadya In the blink of an eye. 莎蒂娅 人称“草上飞”。
Raelag Then I may have a special mission for you. 雷拉格 如果是这样的话,我有一个特殊的任务要派给你。
Shadya Thank you! I swear that I shall not disappoint you. 莎蒂娅 谢谢!我发誓不会让你失望的。
Raelag Not more than once, anyway. 雷拉格 你只有一次机会。
The Cultists 狂热教徒
 Now that he`s ready, Raelag is going to clash with Clan Soulscar - the mightiest of the clans of Ygg-Chall. If he defeats them, he`ll see zero resistance from other, smaller Clans. But there is one complication: Rumour states that the Soulscar are in military alliance with the Demon Lords.   雷拉格现已准备就绪,即将与易格池沃最强大的部落灵魂伤痕展开决战。如果他赢了,其它的小部落将会俯首称臣,任其号令。但有一件事令他十分不安:有传言称灵魂伤痕正在和恶魔领主的军队秘密结盟。
Raelag So the Soulscar have invited their old friends to the party. No problem there - killing demons together with their cultists is becoming one of my favorite pastimes. 雷拉格 灵魂伤疤部族把他们的老朋友邀来参加聚会了。没有关系——杀掉恶魔和他们的狂热崇拜者是我最喜欢的消遣活动。
 This is what Raelag was fearing - the Demons, Soulscar allies of old, now hurry to their aid.Raelag must destroy their armies, which threaten his conquest of the Soulscar .   正如雷拉格所担心的一样,灵魂伤痕多年来的盟友恶魔,目前正急速赶来救援。恶魔的介入势必会威胁到征服灵魂伤痕部落的计划,看来雷拉格只好大开杀戒了。
Raelag The decision is taken. The Soulscar refuse to yield, they will understand that this was a bad decision when we have to scrape them off our boots. 雷拉格 灵魂伤疤部落已经做出决定,他们拒绝投降;等我们征服这群蠢货时,他们就会知道这是一个多么糟糕的决定。
Keeper of the Law Why such fury, Clanlord? 执法官 是什么让你如此愤怒,部落首领?
Raelag They would make us slaves, with Demon overseers. I knew them once... I will never feel safe in Ygg-Chall as long as they live. 雷拉格 有了恶魔督军的帮助,他们会把我们捉去当奴隶的。我以前见过这些恶魔……只要他们还活着,易格池沃就不会安全。
Keeper of the Law You are right, Raelag. Demons are the enemy of all of us, the Soulscar must be crushed before the rot spreads. 执法官 你是对的,雷拉格,恶魔是我们共同的敌人;在事态恶化之前必须首先征服灵魂伤疤部落。
Shadya But they are powerful. 莎蒂娅 但是他们很强大。
Raelag I`ve crushed demons before, and I look forward to another opportunity. Tell Sorgal to mobilize - we go to war! 雷拉格 我曾经击败过恶魔,现在我正在等待另一个机会。通知索戈尔动员军队——我们马上参战!
Raelag You seem to be the only noble left alive. I have a question for you. 雷拉格 看起来你是唯一活着的贵族。我有一个问题要问你。
Argoth You! I know you! 亚葛斯 是你!我认识你!
Raelag Silence! One more word, and I shall kill you and bind your soul to a leper`s cloak. Where is the Burning Mirror? 雷拉格 安静!再敢多嘴就杀了你,把你的灵魂封在麻疯斗篷里。告诉我烈火魔镜在哪里?
Argoth Never. 亚葛斯 休想。
Raelag You wish to spend eternity rubbing against diseased flesh? 雷拉格 你想长着脓疮度过余生吗?
Argoth You wouldn`t! Even to me. 亚葛斯 你不会的!你不会对我这样做的。
Raelag I would, and with pleasure. The Burning Mirror. Where is it? 雷拉格 不,我会的,而且很乐意。烈火魔镜。在哪里?
Argoth In the Archdeacon`s chamber! Behind Kha-Beleth’s idol! 亚葛斯 在副主教的会所里!卡贝勒斯的神像后!
Raelag Thank you. I`ll make it quick. 雷拉格 谢谢。我会快些的。
Shadya You seem to know much of these beasts. 莎蒂娅 看起来你对这些野兽很了解。
Raelag I was one, once. Now... if I remember correctly... 雷拉格 我曾经也是他们其中一员……如果我没记错的话……
Sovereign No, I will not empty the hells for you, coward. Go with what you have, and come back with the Griffin Queen. 魔王 不,我不会把所有魔军都交给你,懦夫。凭你自己的实力,把狮鹫女皇给我带回来。
Veyer But the Griffin knights are mighty, Lord. They have turned from Elrath, recruited Bone Dragons and armies ripped from the afterlife! 维亚尔 但狮鹫骑士很强大,主人。他们是艾尔拉斯的化身,并招募了骨龙和僵尸部队。
Sovereign If you wish to know more of the afterlife, Veyer, just continue to disobey me. Go! And be successful. 魔王 如果你希望了解更多有关亡魂的情况,维亚尔,那你就继续违抗我的命令吧。马上行动!只许成功,不许失败。
The March 行军
 Raelag wants to interfere with the Demon Sovereign`s plans for Isabel, but he is short of time. The quickest way lies through an underground labyrinth, and Raelag is going to risk it.
 The accursed Demon Sovereign has forseen everything. The Demon Lord Grawl has stolen the key to the Gates from the labyrinth. Raelag is running out of time to find him and retrieve the key.
Raelag This labyrinth is the quickest route from here in Ygg-Chall to the demons in Sheogh. If I`m fast enough, I can catch Veyer`s army before it moves. 雷拉格 这个迷宫是从易格池沃前往谢尔戈最快捷的途径。如果足够快,我可以在维亚尔军队转移前赶上他们。
 The accursed Demon Sovereign has forseen everything. The Demon Lord Grawl has stolen the key to the Gates from the labyrinth. Raelag is running out of time to find him and retrieve the key.   邪恶的魔王已经预见了一切。他指使恶魔领主格劳尔偷走了迷宫大门的钥匙。雷拉格必须找到格劳尔并夺回钥匙,剩下的时间不多了。
Raelag Work this messy must have been done by demons. Malassa`s bile! They have killed the Keymaster and stolen the key. Without it we risk getting as lost as they are. 雷拉格 这种混乱的场面一定是恶魔们干的。马拉萨的愤怒!他们杀了制钥大师并偷走了钥匙。没有秘钥我们会和他们一样迷路的。
Shadya We can hurry back the other way, take the long route. 莎蒂娅 我们可以马上返回,走那条较长的路线。
Raelag No. I`ll risk it. The assassin can`t be far ahead, and I`m going after him. 雷拉格 不,我要冒一次险。刺客就在前方不远处,我打算跟着他。
Shadya We`re going after him, Clanlord. 莎蒂娅 我和你一起去跟踪他,族长。
Raelag Oh, look. I think we`ve found our assassin - Demon Lord Grawl, his master`s favorite mongrel... Let me search in my pack for something rusty and jagged. 雷拉格 噢,看。我想我已经找到我们的刺客了——恶魔领主格劳尔,魔王最宠信的杂种。让我在口袋里找找有没有生锈起角的东西。
Raelag The key! It`s time to go kill an army of demons. I`ll keep their brains as a memento - if I can find a thimble small enough. 雷拉格 钥匙!现在是去消灭魔军的时候了。我会把他们的头颅取下作为纪念品——如果我可以找到一个足够小的指套的话。
Raelag There it is - awful old Sheogh. This is the best way to appreciate it - passing through at high speed. 雷拉格 那就是——古老而恐怖的谢尔戈。以最快的速度穿过它恐怕是游览这座城市的最佳方式。
Raelag`s Offer 雷拉格的提议
 The shortcut through the Labyrinth has brought Raelag to the Demon`s lands, the wasteland of Sheogh is all that lies between him and Veyer`s ambush. Here Raelag will have only himself to depend on.
 The time has come for the final fight against Veyer.The burning lands of the Demon Lords of Sheogh now lie between Raelag and Isabel, and the Warlock can expect no help in this accursed place. Raelag and Shadya must reach the borders of the Empire
Raelag There`ll be no help and no quarter here, demons aren`t exactly famous for their hospitality. 雷拉格 那里不会有任何帮助和宽恕,恶魔们可不是以热情好客而著称的。
Raelag What is Kha-Beleth up to? I needed those resources! He`s playing at "scorched earth", the old cockroach. 雷拉格 卡贝勒斯打算干什么?我需要那些资源!竟然跟我玩“过河拆桥”,这个老爬虫。
Raelag I don`t mind working alone, but this is ridiculous. Malassa`s bile! Find me a town that`s permanent! 雷拉格 我不介意孤军奋战,但这太可笑了。马拉萨的愤怒!让我找到一个可以永久驻守的城池吧!
Raelag Enough! Somebody bring me the trickster that`s doing this - or at least some of his major body parts. 雷拉格 我受够了!我一定要派人把那个幕后使坏的家伙逮到——活要见人,死要见尸。
 Raelag arrived just in time - Veyer’s and Isabel’s armies are preparing for the battle and there is a chance to frustrate the Sovereign’s plan. Attack the demons first and save Isabel!   雷拉格来得正是时候,伊莎贝尔和维亚尔双方的军队都在备战,看来挫败魔王的计划还是有一线希望的。首先攻打恶魔,然后解救伊莎贝尔!
Raelag Are you hurt? 雷拉格 你受伤了吗?
Isabel Not at all, thanks to you. Pardon my surprise, but I did not expect help from a host of Dark Elves. 伊莎贝尔 我没事,多亏了你。请不要介意我的惊讶,我并没有希望得到黑暗精灵的帮助。
Raelag The ways of Malassa are mysterious indeed. I am Raelag, Clanlord of Ygg-Chal. 雷拉格 马拉萨的方式确实很神秘。我是雷拉格,易格池沃部落的首领。
Isabel You have the thanks of the Griffin Empire, Clanlord. I am... 伊莎贝尔 我代表狮鹫帝国感谢你,部落首领。我是——
Raelag Queen Isabel. I know you. 雷拉格 伊莎贝尔女皇。我知道您。
Isabel Well, thanks to all, then, and we must be on our way. We have important business. 伊莎贝尔 很好,那么谢谢大家。我们必须上路了。我们有很重要的事情要办。
Raelag Wait.The queen cannot go. She is in danger. 雷拉格 等等。女皇不能去。她现在有危险。
Markal Danger? Here? Preposterous. 马卡尔 危险?这里有危险?荒谬。
Raelag Hear me out! I would not have come so far, leading an army, if I did not have a good reason. 雷拉格 请听我说!如果没有充分的理由,我不会率部不远万里来到这里。
Isabel A moment, Markal. What did you say? I am in danger? 伊莎贝尔 稍安毋躁,马卡尔。你刚才说什么?我有危险?
Raelag Yes. This is the second time that a Demon army has come to the heart of the Griffin Empire, both times they came for you. 雷拉格 是的。这是魔军第二次入侵狮鹫帝国的心脏地带,两次战争的目标都是你。
Markal Ignore him, my queen. He sounds like a madman. 马卡尔 别理他,女皇陛下。他是个疯子。
Raelag Mad, you say? Mad for trying to figure out Kha-Beleth`s intentions? 雷拉格 你说我是疯子?难道我疯了才去调查卡贝勒斯的野心吗?
Isabel There can be truth in madness, Markal. 伊莎贝尔 事实的真相有时就隐藏在疯狂中,马卡尔。
Raelag Lady... Queen Isabel, Kha-Beleth and the Demons are after you, and only you. You must come with me. Bring your guards, if you wish. The journey is long but safe - through the lands of Irollan. 雷拉格 夫人——伊莎贝尔女皇,卡贝勒斯和恶魔们正在搜捕你,你是他们的唯一目标。你必须跟我来,如果愿意的话,可以带上卫队。旅途虽漫长却很安全,让我们穿越艾罗兰大陆吧。
Markal Queen Isabel is going to the Hall of Heroes, to recall her husband`s spirit and restore her kingdom. The ravings of Dark Elves, sadly, are of somewhat less importance. 马卡尔 伊莎贝尔女皇正在前往英雄祠,去召唤她丈夫的灵魂和恢复她的王国。很遗憾,你这个语无伦次的黑暗精灵还不够资格左右我们的女皇。
Isabel I apologize for Markal`s tone, but he is right. We have done much to get this far. Perhaps we can meet again, in more auspicious circumstances. 伊莎贝尔 马卡尔说话很刻薄,我感到抱歉,但他是对的。我们历尽万难才来到这里。也许下次情况没有这么危急的时候,我们还可以再次相遇。
Markal Come, my Queen. Out of our way, if you please. 马卡尔 来吧,我的女皇。请让开,谢谢 。
Raelag Sooner or later I am going to get tired of saving her life. 雷拉格 我迟早会对拯救她的生命感到厌倦的。