战役攻略 - 瀛洲 - Sanctuary

录入:EvilP 作者: 翻译:heavenk
录入时间:2011-10-09 21:55:19 最后修改时间:2013-05-09 11:51:58

愤怒与泥潭 - 荒茫暗礁

The Fury and the Mire - Banteki Reef

Feisty and headstrong, Irinats already limited tolerance for her assigned role in Imperial society was broken the day she was forcibly betrothed to Gerhart, the odious Duke of Wolf Imprisoned in the Wolf`s fetid dungeons after maiming Gerhart during their wedding night, Irina was determined to die rather than apologise to the tyrant. But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean. Irina finds herself a stranger in a strange land, but with the means to get her revenge on Gerhart and the Holy Emperor himself.


蜿蜒阶梯 - 希罗什的领地

The Winding Stair - Hiroshi`s Lands

Irina knows that the destruction of the Gerhart`s trading post still does not mean that she is rid of the Duke. Having discovered that she is also pregnant from Gerhart`s brutality, Irina is determined more than ever to gain strength and power that will assure not only her own protection, but that of the child. Becoming the vassal of the Daimyo Hiroshi is a definite improvement, but it is not enough. Though she has numerous virtues, patience is not among them.


暗血之潮 - 白矛岛

The Blood-Dimmed Tide - Whitespear Island
标题出自威廉·巴特勒·叶芝1919年的诗作The Second Coming

Having defeated her Daimyo and been honored with the role of leading the land armies of the Eternal Empress, Irina has now been adopted by the Nagas, Her first responsibility is to halt an invading army of Undead that have sailed across the Jade Ocean to a sacred and protected island, where an Avatar of Shalassa is said to rest.


生命中的死亡,死亡中的诞生 - 恶狼海岸

Death-in-Life and Life-in-Death - The Wolf Coast

A Blood Moon Eclipse has cast a reddish glow over the nights of Ashan, and Demons are invading. The Emperor Liam has asked the Eternal Empress to send an army to help them defend the Duchy of Wolf and their ports along the Jade Ocean. As irony would have it, Irina has been called upon to defend the Duchy of the husband she fled. But when the war is over, Irina has already decided that she`ll pay a visit to Gerhart. He must never be able to harm her again.
