

EvilP 更新于 2011-02-23 16:03
  • 可以介绍下声誉系统吗?
  • “你天生就是狮鹫家的种!你的人生是由自己来书写的,不过要明智的选择好墨水。墨水只有两种...血或泪。”
    在H6中玩家要在不同的“道德取向”间做出重要的声誉选择:龙泪之道(the path of Dragon Tears)和龙血之道(the path of Dragon Blood)。这不是摩尼教的“善与恶”二分法,而是一种对立观念的动态概念。
  • 在游戏中这个选择会有什么不同的结果?
  • 你的英雄的选择会强烈的影响经验获得;依据情节,战役地图中会开启特殊任务;不同的队友;以及根据选择进行不同的终章任务。
  • 进阶职业有什么值得期待的?会像H4那样么?
  • 不会,因为职业进阶不是基于技能的组合,而是取决于你的声誉方向选择。英雄的最终职业取决于势力、力量/魔法亲和力、声誉方向选择。比如一个圣堂的力量系英雄,基础职业是骑士(Knight),他可以进阶为圣武士(Paladin,泪)或者复仇铁卫(Vindicator,血)。
  • 可以选择暂时不进阶职业么?还是说职业进阶是自动的?
  • 游戏中大多数的行为都会获得声誉点数。比如你的敌人在你强大的军队面前表示屈服投降,让其逃逸会增加你的泪系声誉点数,赶尽杀絶则会增加你的血系声誉点数。通常,使用泪系能力会增加泪系声誉点数,血系亦然。许多任务也会有声誉取向选择,完成会给予适当的相应声誉点数。这些点数不会相互排斥抵消,血系和泪系点数是相互依存的,你永远不会失去你获得的声誉点数。
dvqd 回复于 2011-02-28 22:25:
Hopefully the abilities unlocked each reputation level should be very powerful.
wokunnima 回复于 2011-02-27 10:02:
17# [i]skass[/i]
junhhuan 回复于 2011-02-27 09:30:
skass 回复于 2011-02-26 23:35:

wokunnima 回复于 2011-02-26 09:02:
yzy052010 回复于 2011-02-26 08:30:
三头凯勒斯 回复于 2011-02-24 22:22:
yrj1976 回复于 2011-02-24 11:00:
晓雾星河 回复于 2011-02-24 10:12:
yshhero1 回复于 2011-02-24 00:37:
bogyman 回复于 2011-02-23 22:23:
tumblepop 回复于 2011-02-23 22:14:
puppetknight 回复于 2011-02-23 22:10:
xynsy123 回复于 2011-02-23 17:41:

lordnxx 回复于 2011-02-23 17:31:
血泪系统看来不是十分复杂 走什么样的路是自己选择啊 即使血的声誉值低于泪 也可以选择血系 自由度喜欢
 那张截图里左边那对骷髅在干吗啊 动作。。。。很不雅啊。。。。。。。。我承认 我想歪了
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-02-23 17:15:
heroes6 回复于 2011-02-23 16:54:
热泪盈眶 H6上升到了哲理 禅宗的高度,H1-H6的过程就像一个和尚从出家到修城正果。不能再把H6纯粹当成一个游戏看待了 仿佛隐隐的看到一个充满着人性灵魂的H6将创造英雄无敌系列的巅峰
phinex 回复于 2011-02-23 16:49:
邪翼 回复于 2011-02-23 16:06:
Might & Magic Heroes VI
 Reputation Q&A – January 2011
 Erwan Le Breton, Producer, Ubisoft
 1) Can you present us the Reputation System?
 “You were born a Griffin! The story of your life is yours to write, but choose your ink wisely. There are only two colors… your blood or your tears.”
 In Might & Magic Heroes, you are proposed two distinct ways of writing your destiny. Your blood descends from the Dragon-gods themselves, and if you follow your instincts, attacking fast and hard, throwing caution to the wind, your blood will serve you well.
 There is also another way to write your hero's story. You can do your best to understand the complexity of a situation before acting rashly. This path is for seekers of knowledge, protectors and the curious at heart. It is full of moments of surprising happiness, but also times of tragic sadness. This is the path of Tears.
 Whatever path you choose, you must follow it through to its logical end. True heroes are true to their hearts. Whether trusting Blood or risking Tears, writing the story of your destiny will be an exciting adventure.
 In H6 the player will be faced with a very important Reputation choice between two different “moral paths”: the path of Dragon Tears and the path of Dragon Blood.
 This is not a Manichean “Good vs Evil” dichotomy but rather a dynamic concept of conflicting perspectives.
 Blood Heroes will be active and offensive, Tears Heroes will be more reactive and defensive.
 Imagine, for instance, that your hero stumbles upon an innocent person being assaulted by a robber.
 Like a “Punisher”, the Blood hero will chase the robber and attack him to prevent him from causing more harm.
 Like a “Paladin”, the Tears hero will interpose himself between the robber and its victim. He will try to intimidate or persuade the robber, and comfort the victim.
 2) What are the IG consequences of these choices?
 Your hero's path will strongly influence your player's experience:
 In terms of storytelling, it will unlock special quests on each campaign map, different companion heroes, and a unique “epilogue” map linked to your path.
 Gameplaywise, it will grant you access to specific “advanced classes”, 4 per faction, each with their unique visuals and sets of abilities.
 The more Reputation you gain, the more powerful your Reputation-related abilities become.
 For instance, Healing (a Light spell) will be influenced by your Tears rating, whereas Fireball (a Fire spell) will be influenced by your Blood rating.
 This is truly a unique system, never before seen in a strategy game.
 3) What can we expect from the advanced classes? Will they work like in H4?
 No, because they're not based on a specific combination of abilities but rather on your Reputation choices.
 Your heroes' classes will ultimately be defined by their faction, their affinity (Might or Magic) and their Reputation choice.
 For instance, a Might hero from the Haven faction will start as a “Knight” and can later evolve into a “Paladin” (Tears) or a “Vindicator” (Blood).
 4) Can you hold your class advancing? Or will it happen automatically?
 Most ingame actions will award Reputation points.
 For instance, if your enemies flee before your powerful army, choosing to let them escape will grant you Tear points. Chasing them down to kill them will give you Blood points.
 More generally, using Tear abilities will grant you Tear points, and the same goes for Blood.
 Many quests will also offer a Reputation choice and they will reward you with the appropriate Reputation points.
 These gains are not mutually exclusive. Your Blood and Tears ratings are not co-dependant and you never lose the Reputation points you've gained.
 When you reach a certain Blood or Tears threshold, you're offered the choice of evolving into the corresponding Reputation advanced class.
 This is not automatic; you have to return to one of your towns to change classes. So you can wait until you have reached both of the Tears and Blood thresholds, and then make your choice.
 Every ten levels, you can also “respec” your hero's Reputation (and therefore their class and abilities).
 But in the single player campaigns, you have to make a final Reputation choice at a certain moment, and you cannot go back and respec (for obvious storytelling reasons).
